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Pep Talks For Stay At Home Parents

Its okay stay at home parents! We got this!  

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. Pep Talks For Stay At Home Parents serves as a vessel to project my passions, and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on.

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Because Of Them

Every day spent with my kids is a day I learn something new. Most days the lessons my kids teach me are unintentional on their part. ...

Surviving the heat wave

Summer is officially here and its making its presence known. Three days in to a heat wave and four kids home for the summer. Our oldest...

Its the little things

The house is finally quiet. All are settled for the night and I sit and reflect on my day and most importantly, my night. Tonight my...

Love the little things

Being a parent can be very overwhelming. It can take up every square inch of our brains and prevent us from having any thoughts that...

When life hands you lemons

Yesterday my youngest son had a lemonade stand. He's been planning this for weeks and I, dreading it. We waited for a day his dad had off...

Anxiety tip

I want to share a little tip I've learned and have been utilizing lately, to help with my peaking anxiety. With the start of summer and...

Learning to self discover.

Today I did a lot of thinking despite having a busy day. It was one of those epiphany moments. Let me explain. I'm the the older...

A pep talk. - To, me.

My fingers burn. They long to type all the words that flow through my head, like a pianist longs to graze their fingers along the ivory...

When a mom gets sick

I've been mia for a while and the reason is simple. This mom was down for the count. I'm a stay at home mom, as most of you know and my...

Recipe time!

A huge family favorite of ours to go along with our sunday sauce is chicken meatballs. Below I'm going to share my spin on the chicken...

Fun in the sun

Summer is fast approaching and while we wait for the official day, the weather itself is showing off, and I love it! We spent two days...

Chicken riggies..its a utica thing

One of my most requested dinners in my household is chicken riggies. Back in my 20s i didn't realize it was a local dish and assumed...

Frozen cocktails

I'd be lying if I said today was an easy day. I'm fact, it down right stunk! I feel like there was a never ending stack of first grade...

Time for bed

Night time approaches and I find myself in yet another debate with my 7 year old son. Our nightly routine is pretty quick when it comes...

Dinner again?

One of the biggest challenges I face to date as a parent is dinner. With four Kids, I can never seem to make a meal that pleases...

Parenting 101

Okay, so I am in quite the situation. I'm a parent. Don't get me wrong. The blessings that come along with the screaming tantrums,...


At 37 I have a really hard time remembering what it was like to be a teenager. However, I'm at that point in my life where I need to...

Did that really just happen

Can we just touch on a sore subject for a quick second. And I mean, very quick. Question. What parent wants alone time? Whether with...

Night owl

Its late. Again, I'm wide awake. I parented today, and pretty well, I might add. But even after the kids wore me completely out, I find...

How am I a first grade teacher

I always considered myself a parent who was able to know enough of the basics to help my children with their home work. 1+1? I totally...

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