Its late. Again, I'm wide awake. I parented today, and pretty well, I might add. But even after the kids wore me completely out, I find myself up all night.
Doctors have given me many sleeping varients, but to no avail. I am officially a night owl. Maybe when the kids don't listen, I should hoot. I'll likely try it out. But that's a completely different topic.
I really don't have a reason to not sleep. Especially with some heavy sleep meds at one point. I did some research, because, you know, google knows everything. And I came across something that helped me turn this negative situation into somewhat of a positive one. I saw, and I don't quote, people who are up late at night have very creative minds. I thought that was pretty awesome.
So, while I'd love to be sleeping, I have learned, if I can't be, I can be creative. Not so bad for an unwanted all nighter.