At 37 I have a really hard time remembering what it was like to be a teenager.
However, I'm at that point in my life where I need to reflect some because baby number two is 16!
I noticed that things seem harder since the sweet 16 occurred. Baby number two went from my quiet sweet child to a raging hormone.
When they were smaller all it took was a bottle. Mama Lovins. Anything simple. But at 16, a hug, comforting words or even ignoring the situation gets you in trouble as a parent sometimes. Especially when they are 16!
According to baby number two, I never understand and life is just not fair. In my defense, I do have a pretty full plate, so unexplained tears confuse me. But, tonight, my advice to you is to reflect.
Parenthood changes as your children get older. Hugs can't heal everything anymore. A bottle won't stop the crying. But, if we learn to evolve with our children and reflect on the times we ourselves were that age, while still hard, I think we will have a better understanding on not only why our child may feel a certain type of way, but it will also help us not feel so helpless when said child is a walking hormone.
No matter your age, always remember what it was like. Be willing to evolve as an individual and with your child. Nothing is more important than that!